Plan Your Career
with HACE 

Planning out your career helps to pave a secure path to your future. The process is important in leveraging your strengths, building up confidence, and preparing you for your dream job ahead. HACE can help create the roadmap you need to succeed. Navigate to our Career Center to find your next job by uploading your resume, attending events, and becoming a member of the HACE family.

Professional Development Workshops

HACE provides expert-matter workshops, both in person and virtually, that are focused on professional development, Latino career trends, cultural values and areas of growth that empower Latino professionals to become leaders. Workshops like Developing Your Personal Brand and Strengthening Your Negotiation & Influence Skills are held throughout the year. Keep an eye on our events calendar to learn more about upcoming events.

Career Coaching

HACE’s Career Coaching sessions offer an opportunity for HACE members to receive personalized 1:1 career guidance from professional career coaches! Each one-hour session is customized to your specific career needs from resume building, transitioning, salary negotiations, interview prep and more.

Resume Reviews

A top-notch resume is your gateway to a job interview. When you sign up for our Career Center, you gain access to a free evaluation of your resume from a trusted expert. Leverage this feedback to make sure you get noticed by recruiters.

Upcoming events