
Achieving Impact through Inclusion

At the Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE), we are deeply committed to fostering an inclusive environment that not only recognizes but celebrates the rich diversity within the Latin(a)(e)(o)(x) community and beyond.

We understand that true excellence stems from a myriad of perspectives, experiences, and voices coming together to create innovative solutions and opportunities for all.

Our mission is to empower and support the career advancement of Hispanic professionals at all stages of their careers. We believe in providing equitable access to resources, mentorship, and networks that propel our members towards their professional aspirations while contributing to a more diverse leadership landscape across industries.

HACE champions a culture where every individual is seen, heard, and valued. We strive to dismantle barriers to career progression and advocate for policies and practices that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

We are more than an alliance; we are a movement towards creating a world where all professionals can thrive, leading by example and paving the way for future generations. Together, we are building a community that transcends borders, connecting talents with opportunities, and ensuring that diversity is not just acknowledged but celebrated as a cornerstone of our collective success.

Read Past President’s Messages

President’s Message 12/21/23

As we near the end 2023, here at HACE we are looking forward to a productive and meaningful 2024 in a significant way. In fact, our theme is encapsulated in this powerful idea “Avanza—Where Momentum Meets Opportunity!” Avanza is a Spanish word that means “moving...

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President’s Message 10/05/23

Did you know that it takes nearly one more year for a Latina to earn what her non-Hispanic white male counterpart earned the year before in salary or pay? With so many other great leaders and organizations, we are on a mission to Eliminate Latina Equal Pay Day – Will...

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President’s Message 09/14/23

Dear HACE Familia, I thank you for your continued support of the HACE mission to positively impact workplaces by cultivating a pipeline of Latino/e/x/a and diverse talent! As we have embarked on the second half of 2023, we continue to push our work forward as we focus...

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