HACE Summit 2

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Equity-Centered BRG/ERG Leadership: Guiding Teams in a Tech-Driven World

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, BRG/ERG leaders play a critical role in guiding their teams through the complexities of technology-driven change. This session will explore how leadership strategies can be rooted in equity-centered approaches, ensuring that diverse teams are supported through technological advancements and that their contributions shape a more inclusive future. Attendees will learn how to navigate the intersection of technology and leadership while fostering an environment that values inclusivity, collaboration, and adaptability in the workplace.

Partnering for Purpose: ERGs and Organizations Driving Change Together

Convene Forum North

ERGs can strengthen their impact by partnering with local nonprofits and community organizations. This session will explore
strategies for creating partnerships that align with both ERG priorities and organizational structure needs. Panelists will share case studies of ERGs successfully driving social change through such collaborations.