Monica Villalobos

Monica Villalobos

BOARD MEMBER President & CEO of the Arizona Hispanic Chamber Ms. Villalobos was recently named President & CEO of the Arizona Hispanic Chamber after serving as the Vice-President and Foundation Executive Director for seven years. In this role, she is...
John Moreno-Escobar

John Moreno-Escobar

VP of Development & Strategic Initiatives John Moreno-Escobar is originally from Bogota, Colombia. He migrated to NYC when he was 18. He is an experienced and visionary education and business executive with over 14 years of leadership expertise. He has...
Monica Maize

Monica Maize

Human Resources Manager Monica Maize is the Human Resource Manager for the Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Supply Chain Management and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration both from Ashford University in San Diego, CA....

President’s Message 10/05/23

Did you know that it takes nearly one more year for a Latina to earn what her non-Hispanic white male counterpart earned the year before in salary or pay? With so many other great leaders and organizations, we are on a mission to Eliminate Latina Equal Pay Day – Will...
Brenda Whetsell

Brenda Whetsell

Marketing & Communications Manager Brenda is proud to join HACE as the Marketing Manager and brings over 10 years of experience to the team. Previously working in the financial industry, as well as volunteering with local nonprofits during her downtime to help...